Here you find a glossary over the words used on our website and in the work of Jotunheim - Coaching & Training.
Let us dive deeper into the meaning of them and what they represent.
A state of operating from your intuition, liberating yourself from all beliefs, judgments or conventions that might distort the pure information perceived through your senses. In the state of childlike innocence, all is just pure information! Nothing has a meaning, nothing is personal and you just observe what is obvious and take action from this place - independent of thoughts and feelings.
Applying that part of our consciousness that has will and determination to create an outcome intentionally based on pure input of current information. Rather than running on our unconscious autopilot - creating a reality based on what we have experienced in the past.
The conscious expansion describes in our work to draw the unconscious processes and patterns into consciousness and to start to make conscious decisions, rather than to react on unconscious autopilot. In doing so, like on a spiral upward, we consciously expand and change our frequencies from the lower driven by emotions of suffering to the highest frequencies of joy, peace and love.
A person who operates on their superconscious intuition and applies the higher frequencies and powerful structures within the creative orientation against the lower structures of their identity and ego to manifest a life living their true nature and purpose and true heart’s desires. It describes a person liberating themselves from the suffering elicited by limiting beliefs and invalid assumptions formed as part of their individuation process.
Creative development describes the reconnection to and continuous application of the limitless creative structure of mind that contrasts with the limited egoic structure, both inherent in everyone. This includes a transformation from living by unconscious manifestations based on unconscious reactions trying to resolve unconscious beliefs (how would you know until somebody introduced you to this fact) - to living by superconscious creations, making conscious choices and taking conscious action based on our superconscious/ intuitive apprehension of the world!
In contrast to other various forms of self-growth structures, which unluckily strengthen the egoic structure, by assuming there are conditions that need to be fulfilled before we can create what we truly want, the premise of creative development is that we are, always have been and forever will be whole - we have just lost connection to this wholeness over the course of evolving into individual human beings. And, that we can reconnect and live by this orientation anytime!
How our mind works is structural. We are living and creating our life by unconsciously following foundational and personal patterns over and over - we have a certain rhythm - we act from a certain structure or orientation. Yet, there is not the ONE orientation- following experience, there are at least two orientations. Our unconscious / or egoic orientation is our default mode, our autopilot, so to say, which is characterised by our unconscious limiting beliefs. And then there is our higher, our superconscious orientation, which is the limitless creative mode, which your animals will support you in reconnecting to!
In the frame of our work, the creative process describes the development and application of a limitless creative structure of mind that contrasts with the limited egoic structure inherent in everyone. This includes a transformation from living from unconscious manifestations based on unconscious reactions - to living from superconscious creations based on conscious choice and action!
Our egoic orientation is our unconscious default mode we operate this life experience from. Our egoic structure is formed in the time span from preconception to the age of 7-9 years. Within that timeframe, our brains operate in a state where all input is taken as true - no matter if factually true or not!
Furthermore, is this the time when we develop into personalities and figure out how to be in this world – how we others and the world are, and how to stay safe and viable.
It is the same time we from assumptions and beliefs about the previously mentioned.
However, when growing out of this age, the beliefs and assumptions stated as true and essential to survival are no longer valid – yet, they stick to us and we unconsciously reinforce them recreating the same outcome over and over, being stuck… although we can choose to do differently and liberate ourselves from them.
That, however, only works if we know about this unconscious process.
So here we are, introducing you to this life-changing knowledge 😊
In Norse mythology, the Fenris wolf is the first son of god Loki, becoming a threat to the gods - getting bound by the magical thread of Gleipnir - to be held back in eternity to Ragnarök - the end of worlds - occurs, and he is meant to kill god Odin.
A guided meditation is a live-spoken or recorded journey that allows you to intentionally enter a stillness of mind and is focussed on resulting in a certain outcome/ connecting you to a certain area of your consciousness. In our guided meditations, we take you on imaginary journeys accessing your super conscious - your intuition. That part of your consciousness that apprehends perceived information in clarity, before the other parts of your consciousness start to rationalise the information and distort it.
Huginn & Muninn - translated to 'thought' and 'memory' - are the two ravens accompanying and sent out by Nordic god Odin to collect information, insight and wisdom from the nine worlds.
They represent the bridge to the highest perspective, where all is information, allowing their master to step up into his highest good.
Our intuition is that part of our consciousness that apprehends perceived information, before the other parts of our conscious mind start to rationalize and try to make sense of this information. You may know it as a vague gut feeling, but it is so MUCH MORE - and you can easily learn to apply it to successfully create the life of your heart's visions.
Within our conscious mind, our intuition is the first part to apprehend information that we perceive through our senses. Yet, if we do not train to 'listen' to that channel, other parts of our consciousness instantly process, rationalise, compare or dismiss the information. The original undistored information is gone. Are you familiar with the game of 'Chinese whispers'? - the same principle applies here. To make choices from pristine intuitive information therefore requires us to 'listen' to our intuition. And that requires training yourself to be receptive to the 'intuitive channel' - to expand your intuitive receptivity - which you most probably have not done to that extent before. And, hey, how convenient we have the right tool for your expansion right here!
Making that undefinable gutfeeling your compass to your true north! When living by you intuition, expressing your true nature and purpose wholeheartedly and creating what previously seemed impossible, you are on your path of intuitive transformation. Leaving the chatter of the unconscious mind behind, liberating yourself from the illusion of the wound of growing into an identity and freeing yourself from the ties to your dysfunctional patterns, that is when your journey back into your highest frequencies begins!
In Norse mythology, Jotunheim is one of the nine worlds held by the tree of worlds 'Yggdrasil' and it is the home of the giants. Jotunheim is not only the name of our company, but also our motto - to live the most expansive version of yourself - become the giant within!
We all have a most individual gift to bring to this world, our mission to accomplish in this lifetime, our unique greatness within. To fully embody and living from this purpose takes us into a state of true and thorough bliss and joy.
How our mind works is structural. We are living and creating our life by unconsciously following foundational and personal patterns over and over - we have a certain rhythm - we run on a certain structure. Yet, there is not the ONE structure - following experience, there are at least two structures. Our unconscious structure is our default mode, our autopilot, so to say, which is characterised by our unconscious limiting beliefs. And then there is our higher, our superconscious structure, which is the limitless creative mode, which we support you in reconnecting to!
A state of full energetic expansion when living from your greatness, our divine creative power and connection to all in time and space - your guiding spirit - that is lying dormant within each and every person. To reaccess our greatness requires a simple change in focus, some practice and the will to hold yourself as whole. For we are not broken - we are merely fallen prey to the illusion of separation, lack and incompletion. It is our mission to reconnect you to your greatness and the true magic in life!
Our core, the core of all being, is energy. Energy is known to have various frequencies. When being in a state that is characterised by anger, sadness and fear etc., our frequencies appear low. Our focus aims at getting away from this state that is causing us psychological AND physical stress.
The more we enter states of joy, bliss, peace and love - the higher our frequencies get and our energy is rapidly expanding. We are focusing on getting towards something we really enjoy - that is reflected in our energies - or vice versa.
The higher we are able to raise our energies, the less our perception of what is overshadowed by stress responses - we see clearly what is and where to go as the next step. The higher the frequencies, the more in flow we become, starting to easily attract what we are intending to create from our hearts' visions.
Within the Nordic mythology, the Norns are three entities weaving the thread of fate of each being into the rug of life, thereby determining the individuals' destiny - predefining how their lives will unfold. The thread of fate has, in ongoing tales and sagas throughout our history, been a metaphor of the illusive powerlessness of people to create their fate. Consistently the belief was present, that we are not the true masters of our fate.
But we are!
For what we assume as destiny or external determinants of our life, is actually an unconscious structure within our mind that is limiting us in living our true hearts' vision to their fullest. The simple, yet powerful gamechanger is to become aware of and familiar with this unconscious structure and start to consciously apply our innate super-conscious mind instead of it.
During our childhood, until the age of seven years, our brain works in lower frequencies (so-called theta waves). In that stage of brain development, imagination and reality merge together as one. No matter if factually true or not - we store the perceived information/ imagination as true - as how it is, period!
At the same time, we develop a personality from a) the experiences we have made during growing up AND b) by the assumptions we draw from these experiences. And here is the trick, it does not matter if those assumptions about us, others and the world are true or not - in that state of development all input is taken as TRUE and INPRINTED into our identity.
We form a set of unconscious beliefs that accompany us and unconsciously limit us ALL LIFE LONG!
Even though we outgrow our childhood, and the experiences that have once formed these beliefs - we can never outgrow the set of beliefs itself. But we can become aware of them and create independent from them!
Our modus operandi - our autopilot through life, that takes its starting point in beliefs and assumptions on how life and we as people are or should be created and imprinted during childhood. Form in a phase of the brain s development where any assumption is taken for TRUE, No matter if in fact true or not.